Senior Architect and Manager of Enterprise System, Leading Senior Economist
Potomac Economics is a leading provider of independent market monitoring, expert analysis and advice, custom software solutions, and litigation support services to the electricity and natural gas industries. Potomac Economics has extensive experience in the areas of electricity market design, pricing, regulatory policy, antitrust and other competitive issues. Potomac Economics is a leader in the field of monitoring and competitive assessment of wholesale electricity markets in the U.S., serving as the Independent Market Monitor for the Midcontinent ISO and ERCOT, the Market Monitoring Unit for the New York ISO, and the Independent Market Monitoring Unit for ISO New England. In these capacities, Potomac Economics is responsible for implementing monitoring plans to identify and remedy flaws in the market design or attempts to exercise market power. Potomac Economics also serves as the Market Monitor for the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. Dr. David B. Patton is President of Potomac Economics and has 24 years of experience as an energy economist providing expert advice, analysis and testimony to clients in the electricity and natural gas industries. Dr. Patton’s areas of expertise include market design and monitoring, merger and other market power analysis, transmission pricing, asset valuation, and congestion management.