MK Together Programme Manager at Milton Keynes Council - Central Milton Keynes, ENG, UK
Milton Keynes Council is the local authority of the Borough of Milton Keynes.Follow us on Twitter @mkcouncil.Our aim is to create a safe and friendly environment online. To ensure this we would like to have a few ground rules. We expect you not to post content that is:• Offensive/strong language• Inaccurate• Intended to Provoke others• Potentially Libellous• SpamIf we deem any content to be inappropriate, we do reserve the right to remove a post or block a user. For your safety, please do not post any personal information. You must take responsibility for posting under your own identity. Milton Keynes Council will not take any responsibility for what is posted on this page by third parties.If you see any inappropriate content please flag it and we will remove it promptly.