United Ways of California improves health, education and financial results for low-income children and families by enhancing and coordinating the advocacy and community impact work of California’s United Ways. Everyone deserves a chance to build a good life. At the simplest level, people must be healthy in order to learn; people at all ages must have opportunities to learn in order to prepare to sustain themselves and their families; and people must have pathways for earning a decent living and building financial sustainability for their families. We believe the involvement of all sectors – business, nonprofits, philanthropy, government, and interested citizens – is required to make progress on vital challenges facing low-income children and families. In our community engagement, education and advocacy work, we see our role as bringing diverse (and sometimes unlikely) groupings of stakeholders together to solve problems. Our approach is to work closely with local United Ways to help them involve their board members, volunteers and supporters in these important causes.