The competitive business world needs strategic communications programs that permit companies to position their products and services successfully. Competition between the industries is incessant and thrives as the number of communication firms or agencies is numerous. However IR CONSULTANT makes the difference in the Hispanic market of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. We are the unique small firm-native- of integrated communications that offer services to Dominican Republic and the Caribbean from Puerto Rico.has managed accounts and projects for Kodak Caribbean, Infomedika, Carestream Health, Toshiba, 3Com, Universal Solar Products, clients of Jeff Cohn Marketing Agency from Denver in the market of Puerto Rico, Oracle Caribbean, Holsum Bakers, Walden University, American School, Atkins Nutritional Plan, Puerto Rico Pediatric Association, American Health Medicare, Mayo Clinic (Jacksonville), Nestle-Purina and Lazy-boy-Gallery Furniture and Caribbean Craftmatic.Our ability in management of strategic communications plans make the difference. The satisfaction of our customers confirms IR Consultant's success.