By introducing the Fyre Search Marketplace, we would present business owners with a platform that is no less than Aladdin's Genie. Fyre Search simplifies the process of roping in more walk-in customers to your cafe jaunt, restaurants, bar, pub and lounge. It's like a direct bridge between you and the crowd you target as your niche market. There'd be absolutely no hindrance or diversion in between. With this app, it's easier to strategically as well as organically boost the number of walk-ins on a daily basis and keep a tab on the crucial business metrics in a more proficient manner. Business owners can expect that the app will be setting new standards of controlled searching which will ultimately result in an increased number of walk-ins at hangout zones of different size and nature. At the time of adding or registering your business, you can have the option of furnishing exciting details of the best of features that pertain to your business place. Descriptions which you furnish about your hangout zone would eventually help your targeted crowd locate your place. The more efficiently you handle the descriptions of your business, the greater would be the number of walk-ins on a daily basis.