A traditional school is a great place for social interactions. Children and teachers try to make sense of education. Education is never a one-way (from teachers to students) traffic. However, in a traditional school, somewhat ironically, the traffic is one way.At the Free Learner School, things somehow happened differently. We created this homeschool as an experiment. We have been running it for almost a couple of years. We hope to continue it for some more time and perhaps something interesting will come out of it.Homeschools, democratic schools, or unconventional schools are a rare entity, even unfairly so. Learning is human's natural desire and for learning freedom is a must. Ideally, one should be as free as permitted by the laws of physics. However, it does not always happen. People who want to let children learn and develop their critical thinking skills on their own are often clueless about how to do it even as a case study.So, this school is such a case-study. It is, of course, not going to be a success story. People who are interested in knowing what worked for this school and its students, what didn't, and how the mundane and interesting things were carried out may find some suggestions here.But, above all, look at this as an experiment where the involved parties were free to put into practice their thoughts, for freedom is fundamental.