NLMG (Next Level Marketing Group) began in 1997 by an insurance agent simply trying to build his own business. The plan was never to sell or share the program, but simply to generate more referrals for himself. However, when he began to rise to the top of his company, other agents wanted to know what he was doing differently. His answer? NLMG."I created a system that allowed me to help Realtors and lenders build their business by helping them get more referrals and repeat business from their past clients. In return for me helping them build their business, they are now sending me every single one of their referrals," says David Johnson, founder of NLMG. Every month after the creation of the program, David's referrals from Realtors and lenders multiplied. Since he had discovered a co-beneficial way for him to help Realtors and lenders build their businesses while growing his own, the combination was unstoppable. RECAMP (the offshoot of NLMG) went national in 1999 and has been helping Realtors make more money ever since. RESURGE followed, assisting Lenders do the same!NLMG has been featured in numerous publications, including: So You Want to Be an Insurance Agent by Jeff Hastings, a Farmers district manager of the year. Writing about working with referral sources, Jeff says: "Why go after one household when you can go after someone who can send you ten? Developing relationships with local referral sources will get your business off to a quick start. My agents have used a program called RECAMP for over eight years now. We have not found a better program on the market to generate referrals from referral sources."Learn more by attending one of NLMG's instructional webinars!