Truefarm is committed to taking you to those times when an apple a day, really did keep the doctor away. When the need to meet the demand for food, didn't compromise the quality of supply. When man-made chemical concoctions weren't a part of farming. We bring you the finest organic food products, certified by the Control Union, India Organic, European Union, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India and USDA organic, by working in tandem with nutrition experts and farmers to produce truly healthy food that doesn't compromise on taste. Our whole grain sources are completely chemical-free and loaded with love and care. Our food processes have been effectively calibrated to preserve its nutritional value so that you don't lose out on its health benefits. And our packaging ensures that quality of our products remain intact till you empty it into your pots and pans. We are Truefarm. We are 100% Nutrition. 0% Chemicals. #GoOrganic.