Academic Secretary at M.V.Hospital for Diabetes and Diabetes Research centre - Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
M.V Hospital for Diabetes was established by late Prof. M.Viswanathan, Doyen of Diabetology in India in 1954 as a general hospital. In 1971 it became a hospital exclusively for Diabetes care. Under Prof. M. Viswanathan's professional and administrative leadership, the hospital has grown to achieve the status of a teaching institution of international excellence. The hospital along with the Diabetes Research Centre also undertakes research and imparts Postgraduate training to doctors in Diabetology. It has, at present, 100 beds for the treatment of diabetes and its complications. Over the years it has grown to be one of the largest referral centre for Diabetes, with 200,000 patients registered to-date. It is recognised as an internationally known tertiary care centre for referral of diabetic patients requiring super-specialist opinion and management