Qfix is an innovative medical device company focused on discovering, developing and commercializing technology-driven solutions for radiotherapy patient positioning. Our focus is to foster a deep engagement with medical professionals. We make it our business to listen closely to clinical needs so that together we can advance precise positioning solutions for cancer treatment.Over 40 years ago, we invented the first low temperature thermoplastic, Aquaplast RT™, which is now the most recognized brand of thermoplastics in the world. Building on this innovation, we developed Fibreplast™, a Kevlar® reinforced version of Aquaplast RT™, enabling us to provide the most rigid thermoplastic available. Both Aquaplast RT and Fibreplast are used around the world to create rigid masks and shells.In addition to thermoplastics, Qfix developed a wide variety of patient positioning devices to provide tremendous flexibility in treatment options. The revolutionary kVue™ IGRT Couch Top design allows customization for individual patient needs through the most advanced array of treatment solutions for head and neck, breast, lung, prostate and other disease sites. No other product offers a more complete and advanced system for both kV imaging and MV treatment. For example the kVue with DoseMax™ insert, at 2mm water equivalent thickness, offers a unique combination of rigidity and ultra-low attenuation.- See more at: http://qfix.com/about-qfix/about-qfix.asp#sthash.wqKCiqeF.dpuf