Lorrie Zwer

News Presenter, Tuesdays at 12 and 2pm at 99.3 County FM - N/A, ON, CA

Lorrie Zwer's Colleagues at 99.3 County FM
Pat Larkin

On Air Production Leader Thursday Morning Host Saturday Shenanigans Host

Contact Pat Larkin

Lin Parkin

Advertising Traffic Coordinator

Contact Lin Parkin

View All Lorrie Zwer's Colleagues
Lorrie Zwer's Contact Details
99.3 County FM
Lorrie Zwer's Company Details
99.3 County FM logo, 99.3 County FM contact details

99.3 County FM

N/A, ON, CA • 10 - 19 Employees
Multimedia Software

99.3 County FM is the only radio station focused on the needs of Prince Edward County. As a physically large island and diverse community, the station's aim is to be "the place where we all come together", supported by a signal which reaches all parts of the County.99.3 County FM (or to use it's official name, the Prince Edward County Radio Corporation) is incorporated under the federal Not-for-profit Corporations Act, owned by our community and operated in the interests of the community.To serve the diverse range of musical tastes in the community, the station plays selections from a wide variety of music types – you never know what you'll hear next.The station depends on the active involvement of over 85 volunteers in roles which include on-air hosting, interviewing, managing the studio and administration and fund-raising.Since it went on the air in October 2014, the station has grown to the point where research shows that more than 50% of radio listeners tune in daily. In fact, the station is now one of the five largest community radio stations in Canada.County FM serves all parts of the community, from providing cost-effective advertising for local business to running over 6,000 public service announcements each year to promote the activities and fund raisers of local community groups. For the same reason, the station maintains a policy of strict editorial neutrality.

Details about 99.3 County FM
Frequently Asked Questions about Lorrie Zwer
Lorrie Zwer currently works for 99.3 County FM.
Lorrie Zwer's role at 99.3 County FM is News Presenter, Tuesdays at 12 and 2pm.
Lorrie Zwer's email address is ***@993countyfm.ca. To view Lorrie Zwer's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Lorrie Zwer works in the Media Production industry.
Lorrie Zwer's colleagues at 99.3 County FM are Pat Larkin, David Phillips, Lin Parkin, Dave Wheatley, Cathryn Henderson, Pamela Stagg and others.
Lorrie Zwer's phone number is N/A
See more information about Lorrie Zwer