Lucinda Alfonso

Transition Coach at Ace Leadership High School - Albuquerque, NM, US

Lucinda Alfonso's Contact Details
Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
Ace Leadership High School
Lucinda Alfonso's Company Details
Ace Leadership High School logo, Ace Leadership High School contact details

Ace Leadership High School

Albuquerque, NM, US • 20 - 49 Employees

Students engage with all academic content through Student Projects focused on topics from the Architecture, Construction, and Engineering (ACE) industries. A Project Based Learning academic model is used to provide active, hands-on, and relevant educational experiences. Student projects are created from actual leading commercial construction projects in New Mexico. Teachers take challenging problems from these commercial projects and design Student Projects using industry experts to help them ensure that what they are teaching is relevant to the ACE professions and cutting edge. Students must demonstrate mastery of skills and content, as well as project completion publicly in the form of Exhibitions, where students present and discuss their projects with industry experts, community members, and teachers at least once per trimester. These projects create experiences allowing students to work on real life projects, develop and practice skills under the mentorship of professionals, and contribute to our community in very tangible and meaningful ways.

Schools Colleges and Universities Primary/Secondary Education
Details about Ace Leadership High School
Frequently Asked Questions about Lucinda Alfonso
Lucinda Alfonso currently works for Ace Leadership High School.
Lucinda Alfonso's role at Ace Leadership High School is Transition Coach.
Lucinda Alfonso's email address is *** To view Lucinda Alfonso's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Lucinda Alfonso works in the Schools industry.
Lucinda Alfonso's colleagues at Ace Leadership High School are Sante Guajardo, Carla Grossetete, Emma Curd, Melissa Larranaga-Melfi, Roberta Zamora, Alexandra Parker, Tori Shauger and others.
Lucinda Alfonso's phone number is 505-242-4733
See more information about Lucinda Alfonso