Team Leader/ Senior Analyst at Environmental Monitoring Solutions Pty Ltd [EMS] - Carrum Downs, N/A, au
At EMS we're focused on delivering leading fuel monitoring, management and automation systems that improve your bottom line whilst minimizing your impact to the environment.Sound Wetstock management is vital for all petroleum storage facilities that are committed to preventing wasteful leaks, meeting health and safety, complying with environmental regulations, and last but not least to make a profitable outcome.Our product and service solutions give clients and licencees peace of mind by exceeding the obligations of many global EPA's and other regulatory authorities.More importantly, detecting the early onset of a fuel loss or gain is paramount to reduce the impact of fuel contamination to the environment, but also the impact to site in terms of loss of trade, reputation damage and the actual clean up.Greenscan is our internally developed software application that is used by highly trained analysts to perform SIR leak detection.Greenscan exceeds the USA EPA evaluation protocol (EPA/530/UST-90/007) to a leak detection threshold of +/-9 litres per day and is ISO9001:2008 certified.SIR leak detection is available for you directly as a service, alternatively if you would rather operate in-house we offer a licence arrangement. Greenscan is supported with comprehensive training under our ISO9001:2015 certification as a method of leak detection.Fuelsuite is our remote monitoring cloud that connects to Automatic Tank Gauges, and other onsite devices to retrieve, store, present your data, escalate alarm events to maximize site up-time through intelligent analytics. Offered Globally, we can connect any device, anywhere - anytime.For more information email or visit