"Benevolent goodwill toward or love of humanity" is how Merriam-Webster defines charity. What the Merriam-Webster folks leave out is "while expecting or desiring nothing in return."When I started One Can A Week my goal was to make our neighborhood program a pure charity. In other words, everything donated by my participants goes directly to the Food Bank. Every penny and every can or food product. My friend John gave me his 1992 Taurus which helped me collect and deliver to the Food Bank more than 40 thousand pounds of food. The car died this past summer and the responsibility fell to the aging Cabriolet. It, too, succumbed to the weight of the food a couple of months ago.I give my time and energy to help my neighbors help lots of needy folks. My friend gave me a truck to help me help even more neighbors. This world I am living in now is not a new idea. In fact it probably was born thousands upon thousands of years ago when the first philosopher said, "Hey, here's a neat concept, put down your slings and arrows and let's do unto others…"It's a new year and a new time for all of us to think about a way out of the mess we are in. Look around and then like my friend who had an extra truck in her driveway, find someone who can do a lot of good for his or her family or his or her neighborhood and make it happen. Welcome to my world."