NIL815 operates on a Business First principle. This manifests itself in a pragmatic view on how to run security operations and the policies accompanying all security strategies. If security works well it does not interfere with normal operations and is neither seen nor felt by the business; especially the end user.The services offered by NIL815 are firmly rooted in hands-on experience detecting, chasing, and removing advanced intruders on large scale networks. This extends to the development of Cyber Defence strategies, including incident response plans, and putting them into operation.Work in the security field entails relaying complicated subject matter to management, peers, as well as the average user and NIL815 strives to deliver concise and to the point communication.Rather than being "a mile wide and an inch deep", NIL815 aspires to deliver valuable services to customers from a deep well of knowledge and factual experience.--------Specialties:Cyber Defense ConsultingIncident ResponseThreat HuntingLog ManagementSplunkPublic SpeakingExercises