Founded in 2014, by Marcella Allison because she attended "yet another event without a single woman on the stage." Our mission for the Mentoress Collective is simple: to inspire more female speakers, leaders and mentors… by becoming leaders and mentors ourselves.Because the entire world benefits when smart, talented women succeed.We are dedicated to building women up. The only requirements for membership are that you identify as a woman, you have a drive to succeed in business and you can commit to being a positive, supportive member of our community.It's a private space where we make the rules. And it's a safe community that empowers us to grow and expand our definition of success. It gives women in business a room of our own. Our credentials are accepted without question… where we can talk shop or shopping, business or boyfriends, close deals or vent… all without having to explain or defend ourselves.Most importantly, this is a place where we inspire, empower, and co-mentor each other to go as fierce and as far in business as we desire.