Mark Cartledge

Project Estimator at Mitchell Plastic Welding - N/A, N/A, AU

Mark Cartledge's Contact Details
Mitchell Plastic Welding
Mark Cartledge's Company Details
Mitchell Plastic Welding logo, Mitchell Plastic Welding contact details

Mitchell Plastic Welding

N/A, N/A, AU • 50 - 99 Employees

Mitchell Plastic Welding Pty Ltd (MPW) is a privately owned and operated business originating in Tasmania's Huon Valley. From the construction of our first lot of 10, 60m salmon pens, delivered by a small team of 2 people in 1988, we have grown to be a truly customer-focused provider of plastic manufacturing and fabrication expertise. Now employing over 50 full time staff we service a variety of industries within Tasmania, interstate and overseas.Our success in developing long-term working relationships with our customers in centred on the principles of mutual trust, innovation, value and delivery.MPW's growth objectives include contributing to the nations' circular and high-tech economies through diversifying into plastic recycling and new, high-volume manufacturing streams, with a significant capital expansion planned in the immediate future.We have proven capability in delivering advanced manufacturing, plastic fabrication/repair products and services to the Aquaculture, Industrial, Civil/Mining and Agricultural/Irrigation Sectors. We specialise in High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) including welding, rotomoulding, fabrication and construction with a comprehensive product testing and traceability regime for quality assurance.From the smallest, one-off item to the complete construction of salmon pens or piping installation for a large-scale waste disposal facility our team of experienced specialists covers the full product life-cycle from concept to detailed design, prototyping/testing, estimation, fabrication/manufacture and after sales service.With our head office in Castle Forbes Bay, Tasmania and satellite operations in the greater Hobart CBD and the Huon Valley, we can quickly mobilise our experienced team to meet your needs whatever the location and challenge.Associations:Plastics Industry Pipe Association of Australia (PIPA)Better Work TasmaniaAssociation of Rotational Moulders Australasia

Details about Mitchell Plastic Welding
Frequently Asked Questions about Mark Cartledge
Mark Cartledge currently works for Mitchell Plastic Welding.
Mark Cartledge's role at Mitchell Plastic Welding is Project Estimator.
Mark Cartledge's email address is *** To view Mark Cartledge's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Mark Cartledge works in the Construction industry.
Mark Cartledge's colleagues at Mitchell Plastic Welding are Brendan Mitchell, Christiano Gomes, Michael Mitchell, Monica Rocha, Joshua Bartlett-Mazur, Danu Jayasinhage, John Meehan and others.
Mark Cartledge's phone number is N/A
See more information about Mark Cartledge