Orange Coast Analytical is a state-certified, independent testing laboratory built with a commitment to excellence. Evidence of this commitment is our extensive program of quality assurance and quality control that guarantees the production of valid data. We strive to achieve this quality through cooperative working relationships and multi-level reviews. Responsibility of QA/QC activities begins with the bench scientist and extends to the President of the Company. We have our analytical and field quality control procedures on standards for good laboratory practice, specific WPA and other approved analytical methods and the Handbook for Analytical Quality Control in Water and Wastewater Laboratories (EPA 600/49-109).Our laboratory services include sample collection and analysis of air, water, wastewater, soil and hazardous waste. Each analysis is performed using only the most modern, state-of-the-art equipment available. Our sample tracking system is designed for smooth, efficient sample flow and rapid turnaround for any type of analysis.At Orange Coast Analytical, we have established a superior record and reputation in both the private and public sectors for the quality of our work, our ability to meet schedules and control costs, and the close cooperation we maintain with our clients. We assist you in meeting your analytical requirements to your complete satisfaction.