Everyone has a story. The question is: how do you tell it effectively so others will listen?For more than a decade-and-a-half, Meagan Church has specialized in effective storytelling. She has melded her writing talents and expertise with a variety of projects for an array of publications, readers and clients, owing those creative juices to countless cups of black coffee and a thirst for wordsmithing. Through her years as a writer, Meagan has had the privilege of telling many stories. The stories have ranged in scope and breadth, in subject matter and execution. Some have told personal tales and others have told product stories, each with a specific purpose and reader in mind.Meagan doesn't simply bring words to a project; she works hard to develop the tone, flow and overall impression to match each project's needs. She digs deep to find the heart of the story and the best way to effectively communicate it to the intended audience.With Meagan, you get one wordsmith and endless possibilities.