The Berkeley Innovation Group (big) believes in a "better way," through a repeatable process and a shared language of innovation. From keynote speeches, to online courses, and custom consulting engagements, we work with clients from mid-to-large corporations, city governments, and universities, both foreign and domestic.Describing their teams' experience with our process, clients note "engagement because they are heard," and "ownership because they are involved in the solution." Outcomes include a human-centered approach (including employees and customers) to analog to digital migration.We leverage technology to teach the design thinking process via online learning and to allow our in-person sessions to produce the results. At a minimum, your team will leave with an experiment to test a co-created hypothesis to your biggest business opportunities.What's more, we can remain engaged as consultants, bringing our expertise from BerkeleyHaas to create an innovation portfolio for your organization. For one client, we developed the following strategy:1.) at the Core, focus on the shared values and common culture of your human capital,2.) at the Organic level, transform your core competency into a brand to own the "fast followers," and3.) employing Exponential innovation, fully embrace a reimagined business model around data.Our customers include GE Healthcare, Recology, the Oakland A's, UC Health, Kaiser Permanente, and Mills College.How might we help you?