Michael Peter

teacher at Our Lady Of The Prairie School - Belle Plaine, MN, US

Michael Peter's Contact Details
Our Lady Of The Prairie School
Michael Peter's Company Details

Our Lady Of The Prairie School

Belle Plaine, MN, US • 250 - 499 Employees

People often ask "Why Catholic education? Why integrate faith, life and culture with education?" The answer is the same today as it was in 1888 - to help future citizens discern and develop their God-given talents and reach academic success. That is the Catholic way. Inspired by our Division's mission and vision statements, Edmonton Catholic Schools is committed to offering a Christ-centered, competency-based learning experience for all learners. Guided by our moral compass, students and staff will engage individually and collaboratively in serving the common good today while being good stewards for tomorrow. Our MissionEdmonton Catholic School Division provides a Catholic education that inspires students to learn and that prepares them to live fully and to serve God in one another. Our Vision Our students will learn together, work together and pray together in answering the call to a faith-filled life of service. Our Values • Dignity and Respect• Honesty• Loyalty • Fairness• Personal and Communal Growth

Details about Our Lady Of The Prairie School
Frequently Asked Questions about Michael Peter
Michael Peter currently works for Edmonton Catholic Schools.
Michael Peter's role at Edmonton Catholic Schools is teacher.
Michael Peter's email address is ***@ecsd.net. To view Michael Peter's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Michael Peter works in the Primary/Secondary Education industry.
Michael Peter's colleagues at Our Lady Of The Prairie School are Nicole Turko, Denesiuk Mark, Faith Ophori, Angela Pantony, Michael Poulin, Cherie Kiryluk, MARIO DELUCA and others.
Michael Peter's phone number is N/A
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