Training Design, Experience Design at YES Network - The People Incubator - Hong Kong, Central and Western, Hong Kong S.A.R.
Based in Hong Kong, Shanghai and San Francisco, YES Network is spearheading positive social change through human development, innovation, entrepreneurship and cross-sector collaboration. YES Network – ‘'The People Incubator" nurtures a generation of social entrepreneurs and early-stage social enterprises. 於2010年創辦的 YES Network - '' The People Incubator '' 綜合創新思維丶創業精神丶個人生命成長, 致力培育新一代的社會創業家及孵化初創期社會企業。部署在香港和上海, 我們的 ''社會創業孵化計劃'' 提供個性化培訓,生命教練,導師配對,啓動基金及網絡,幫助每一位社會創業家實現他們對社會的願景。 同時,我們匯聚國際網絡和資源,推動跨領域合作,與社會各界聯手,共創正向的社會變革。YES Network 的合作夥伴和服務對象包括香港和中國的社會創業家、公益組織、基金會、大學、公司社會責任部門、慈善家、投資者、教會和政府等。 By providing customized training, incubation, coaching, human talents, resources, network and mentorship, we support our community of social entrepreneurs in their journey to achieve business and social impact.In the realm of the services we provide, YES Network has the privilege to work with partners and clients such as IDEO – The leading global innovation consultancy, Non-Profit Incubator (NPI China), HSBC, China Philanthropic Research Institute (CPRI), Dialogue in the Dark (DiD) – a global social enterprise serving the visual impaired, as well as collaboration with the University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Jockey Club.