General Manager @ Mawums Limited - Quarry at Mawums Limited - Accra, Greater Accra Region, Ghana
MAWUMS LIMITED (ML) is a Ghanaian Company with Registration No. CA-19,429,Incorporated on 27th July 2005 and Certified to Commence Business on 29th July 2005as a Limited Liability Company. ML is one of the local leaders in the GhanaianConstructionand Quarry industry and has been involved in some of the country's highprofile construction projects since 1998. Our areas of specialty include but are not limitedto the sectors shown below:We are ranked among the top tier of Ghanaian Construction and Quarry Companiesclassified under financial class A1 and B1 by the Ministry of Roads and Highways.Our HistoryEvery successful company will always cherish its humble beginnings and Mawums is noexception. We started as a small scale registered Ghanaian Enterprise in 1995 supplyingtimber and its allied products to the then booming housing sector in the Northern part ofGhana.The Enterprise concentrated on the supply of timber and other merchant activities thatinvolved travelling to the timber producing regions of Ghana notably the Brong-Ahafo,Ashanti and the Western Regions to purchase quality timber products which theNorthern and Upper Regions obviously lacked due to its geographical location. Thetimber was then transported to various parts of the Northern Ghana, principally toTamale and occasionally to Bolgatanga and Bawku. Indeed, our company chalked a lot2MAWUMS LIMITED, P. O. Box CT 4222, Cantonmentsof successes and became the leading supplier of timber products to a number ofconstruction companies in the building and road sectors.In 1997, the Enterprise was issued a certificate to commence business in roadconstruction and won its first road contract in 1998. The status of the company was laterregularized through the Registrar General Department, and it changed from anEnterprise to a Limited Liability Company in the year 2005.