OCCUMED cc's mission is to identify and assist in the prevention of Occupational injuries, incidents and diseases in the workplace. OCCUMED assists industry with maintaining a healthy and safe workforce. OCCUMED cc focuses on risks, with the objective of mitigation and reduction of injury and disease, as required by current South African Health and Safety legislation.The emphasis for most companies is manpower reduction and cost containment. Occupational Health and Safety is often ignored. If utilized to its maximum potential the company and staff will benefit as significant indirect cost savings with COID claims and absenteeism can be made.OCCUMED cc trades as claire deacon & associates (cd&a) that provides specific H&S services to the construction industry. OCCUMED cc is proud to be an associate of Construction Research, Education and Training Enterprises (CREATE). OCCUMED cc further works in association with SMTS Ltd in the UK and presents the NEBOSH International General Certificate around South Africa.OCCUMED cc outsourced services ensures that the professional nursing practitioners are proficient in the specific risks of the particular environment. OCCUMED cc prides itself on being adaptable to suit the specific requirements of the client.