Achieve what you want to change with ThetaHealing®. At Merciful Heavens ThetaHealing®, you'll experience an immediate, positive technique used to make lasting and effective changes in your life. My name is Lynda Chaikin and I am a Certified ThetaHealing® Instructor and Advanced ThetaHealer® ready to help you become freer and more empowered in your life. ThetaHealing® can be used to remove traumas, improve mental health, remove obstructive feelings and beliefs, and restore your overall health and well being. If you could change anything in your life, what would it be — better health, more joy, less pain? Think about it — would you like to make a profound difference in your life? As an instructor and practitioner of ThetaHealing® I am committed to bringing my utmost integrity, professionalism and compassion to each class I teach and to each client's session. I vow to do all I can in order to support you in your desire to be free from suffering and to have a joyful and productive life—so that you may be a greater blessing in the world.View my profile at