WE ARE A START UP ... The door is open. Reach out to us. Our Company plans to build 400+ Urban Aquaponic Farms in the inner cities across America and eventually on a global scale. We are a disruptive technology in that we will fundamentally change the way food is produced and distributed. Instead of scaling vertically with large centralized growing areas supported by a massive carbon intensive shipping and transport infrastructure. The Network will scale out instead of up! We will build a network of inter connected (cloud) hubs and spokes ... regional hubs and local spokes each producing one type of seafood and one vegetable will provide both food security and food sovereignty. We believe in the localization of food. Within our distribution system, all food is local! As all food is grown locally. Large retailers can order centrally and be delivered of locally grown produce. All food will be hours from harvest NOT days. Nutrition and taste are dependent upon time to table. Triple Bottom Line Compliant People, Profit, and Planet are the three pillars of our model. Socially responsible, economically viable, and environmentally sound. This describes our business philosophy. We also plan to use CSR as a major element in our consumer branding and marketing strategies. Branding Critical Marketing and branding are essential to establish the "quality," standards of a national company.