Owen Park

Support Specialist at OverDrive - Cleveland, Ohio, United States

Owen Park's Contact Details
+1 216-573-6886
Cleveland,Ohio,United States
Owen Park's Company Details
OverDrive logo, OverDrive contact details


Cleveland, Ohio, United States • 440 Employees
Online Media

OverDrive is the leading digital reading platform for libraries and schools worldwide. We are dedicated to "a world enlightened by reading" by delivering the industry's largest catalog of eBooks, audiobooks and other digital media to a growing network of 40,000 libraries and schools in 70 countries. Founded in 1986, OverDrive is based in Cleveland, Ohio USA, www.overdrive.comWe are a Certified B Corporation, a growing global movement of people using business as a force for good™. OverDrive earned this certification for the company's commitment to social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability. OverDrive is proud to be a certified B Corp and to celebrate everything we stand for: Empowering communities with our services, supporting literacy and creating reading happiness; supporting initiatives that offer work-life balance for our employees; and incorporating work practices and business policies that strengthen and preserve our environment for future generations.

Details about OverDrive
Frequently Asked Questions about Owen Park
Owen Park currently works for OverDrive.
Owen Park's role at OverDrive is Support Specialist.
Owen Park's email address is ***@overdrive.com. To view Owen Park's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Owen Park works in the Online Media industry.
Owen Park's colleagues at OverDrive are Lindsay Sustin, Kori Treanor, Sydney Kalnay, Lindsey Levinsohn, Katie Blachman, Xuan Bui, Jeffrey Cola and others.
Owen Park's phone number is +1 216-573-6886
See more information about Owen Park