paola Gonzalez

Operations Manager at NEHDS Logistics - Monroe, CT, US

paola Gonzalez's Contact Details
NEHDS Logistics
paola Gonzalez's Company Details
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NEHDS Logistics

Monroe, CT, US • 250 - 499 Employees

NEHDS Logistics is among the fastest growing service providers on the East Coast, responsible for the annual delivery of nearly $1 Billion of retailer goods, offering our customers: - Complete logistical solutions, including warehousing, final-mile delivery and inventory management - Professional and efficient bump the dock services - First-class distribution network using state-of-the-art, Class A warehouses, including seven strategically located depots - 250+ late model trucks covering transportation from Portland, ME to Florida and all points in between

Transportation Logistics Inventory Management Final-Mile Delivery Warehousing
Details about NEHDS Logistics
Frequently Asked Questions about paola Gonzalez
paola Gonzalez currently works for NEHDS Logistics.
paola Gonzalez's role at NEHDS Logistics is Operations Manager.
paola Gonzalez's email address is *** To view paola Gonzalez's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
paola Gonzalez works in the Transportation/Trucking/Railroad industry.
paola Gonzalez's colleagues at NEHDS Logistics are Jonathan Paradise, alix pullin, Benjamin Miller, Gerry Burdo, Dean Hamiti, Mustafa Mert, Gary Thibodeau and others.
paola Gonzalez's phone number is 203-730-9300
See more information about paola Gonzalez