Senior Bussiness Developer officer at BeeReady Harvesters - Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Namaste 🙏Beeready Harvesters is a•Staunch Beekeeper Team👩🏻🌾•Devoted To Serve The Bees🐝•Beeready for change🌍•We Serve Holistic Products 🍯•Produced by Anthophil🐝 The place to find the best Honey Bee Products for every festival and occasion. Our passion for Beekeeping turned into a reality on 17th September 2020. We are engaged in the tradition of Beekeeping and procuring 100% pure, natural, and sweet elixir that honeybees produce from the concentrated nectar of flowers i.e. Raw Honey. BeeReady is an emerging company that offers you the best products ranging from different flora varieties of honey to royal jelly for a healthy you also provide best quality Beekeeping tools.1.Our Mission is simple, we focus on extending, supporting, and protecting our bees by promoting Beekeeping.2.We aim to provide high-quality honey and other bee products sourced from nature as well as from our bee cabs.3.A crude form of honey immediately harvested from the hive. Our Honey contains Bee Pollens & Propolis which enhances Health benefits.5.We thoroughly check the quality of our goods, we have our own beekeeping unit so that you only receive the pure quality product.6.Our aim is to create awareness about the bees and to widely spread the importance of bees in our world.7.Our sustainable harvesting techniques preserve the environment and protect nature.