MALAKAR PTY LTD is a technology company. Our platform connects service providers and service seekers using mobile phones.Providers are free to provide their service on their own time. No investment, no Boss and no time restrictions. Go ONLINE whenever you are ready and accept or reject the service request as you wish. You will feel freedom and you will feel you are the BOSS. Download "malakar provider/partner" on PlayStore or AppStore.As a user you don't need to spend time looking for services. You can schedule booking as traditional way or book instantly for any service when you need it. All you need is only one app for any services such as Taxi/Motorbike for travel, Food/Cake/Grocery for home delivery or Other services including electrician, plumber, carpenter, beautician, photographer, message, interior decorator, cleaner, laundry, tuition classes, DJ and many more. Download "malakar" on PlayStore or AppStore.