Rachmat Kurniawan

IT Technician at Mulia Industrindo Tbk PT (MLIA) - Jakarta Special Capital Region, , Indonesia

Rachmat Kurniawan's Contact Details
Mulia Industrindo Tbk PT (MLIA)
Rachmat Kurniawan's Company Details
Mulia Industrindo Tbk PT (MLIA) logo, Mulia Industrindo Tbk PT (MLIA) contact details

Mulia Industrindo Tbk PT (MLIA)

Jakarta Special Capital Region, , Indonesia • 11 - 50 Employees
Consumer Electronics

Established on November 5, 1986 and has been listed at the Jakarta Stock Exchange on January 17, 1994. The Company has two operating subsidiaries, namely PT Muliaglass and PT Muliakeramik Indahraya. PT Muliaglass produces float glass, glass containers, glass blocks, and safety glass. Glass blocks, glass containers, and safety glass products are also marketed overseas. Glass containers products are predominantly sold in the domestic and overseas market, catering to the consumer goods and pharmaceutical industries. PT Muliakeramik Indahraya produces both floor and wall ceramics tile. With our economies of scale, we are one of the most efficient domestic tile players. While aiming to maintain our favorable position in the domestic and overseas market, we continue to look for more opportunities and new market overseas.

Details about Mulia Industrindo Tbk PT (MLIA)
Frequently Asked Questions about Rachmat Kurniawan
Rachmat Kurniawan currently works for Mulia Industrindo Tbk PT (MLIA).
Rachmat Kurniawan's role at Mulia Industrindo Tbk PT (MLIA) is IT Technician.
Rachmat Kurniawan's email address is ***@muliaindustrindo.com. To view Rachmat Kurniawan's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Rachmat Kurniawan works in the Consumer Electronics industry.
Rachmat Kurniawan's colleagues at Mulia Industrindo Tbk PT (MLIA) are Kristin Natalia, Enday Kra, Eryanto Eryanto, Say Lendra, Andi Indrajaya, Pipit Wijayanto, Iwan Setyawan and others.
Rachmat Kurniawan's phone number is ["8003337680"]
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