Created in 1973 by the partners Edson Machado Filgueiras and Maria Marineide Souza Filgueiras, the law firm Machado Filgueiras Advogados Associados has been working since then, highlighting different areas of law, with emphasis on the social security sector. Throughout these years, the bank collects solid and innovative legal results, always working for the fastest possible in their cases.In this trajectory, it also consolidated partnerships with large offices in the various capitals of Brazil, always aiming to provide legal services with high quality and excellence throughout the country. In 2008, Machado Filgueiras merged with banking Ferreira, Maluf and Moraes Advogados, broadening the scope of its activities, especially for business services.Machado Filgueiras Advogados Associados prioritizes the constant search for legal solutions that take into consideration the culture, business and goals of its clients.Its team of lawyers is highly qualified, able to offer complete services and personalized service, always in line with the client's business, structuring and enabling the business, safely and economically.The firm operates in the areas of Corporate Law, Tax, Real Estate, Litigation, Civil, Consumer, Labor, Social Security, Administrative and Family Law and Successions.