Ratilal Pawara

Production/Devpt. Mngr(Machine Shop) at Windale Group - Glendale, California, United States

Ratilal Pawara's Colleagues at Windale Group
Ratilal Pawara's Contact Details
(914) 643-5278
Windale Group
Ratilal Pawara's Company Details
Windale Group logo, Windale Group contact details

Windale Group

Glendale, California, United States • 6 Employees
Management Consulting

The Windale Group is a retained executive search firm. We work with clients primarily in the following situations: * Consulting firms seeking senior client-facing professionals or management team members. * Companies seeking general managers where knowledge of a particular industry may be less important than the ability to provide strategic guidance or to lead in new directions. * Companies requiring executives or professionals for positions where a consulting background might be helpful. Such positions include strategy, corporate and business development, marketing/product management and certain positions in finance. * Information content companies seeking senior executives.While we conduct searches at the most senior levels, we can often assist with a range of positions with varying levels of experience. We do this in customized partnering ways with creative fee structures.

Details about Windale Group
Frequently Asked Questions about Ratilal Pawara
Ratilal Pawara currently works for Windale Group.
Ratilal Pawara's role at Windale Group is Production/Devpt. Mngr(Machine Shop).
Ratilal Pawara's email address is ***@windalegroup.com. To view Ratilal Pawara's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ratilal Pawara works in the Management Consulting industry.
Ratilal Pawara's colleagues at Windale Group are Bill Pearson, Zeke Bell and others.
Ratilal Pawara's phone number is (914) 643-5278
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