Roseann Bremseth

owner at Valley Design - Fountain, MN, US

Roseann Bremseth's Contact Details
Fountain,Minnesota,55935,United States
Valley Design
Roseann Bremseth's Company Details
Valley Design logo, Valley Design contact details

Valley Design

Fountain, MN, US • 100 - 249 Employees

Furniture manufacturers rely on Valley Design to provide them with high quality, domestically produced, table bases. We provide our customers with the product customization, short lead times, and high quality that the market place demands.Valley Design bases can be found under the tables of many of the top furniture manufacturers in the office, education, hospitality, and healthcare markets. The way we do business is summarized by our brand promise;Partner at your TableWe understand that it is critical to have customer relationships built out of trust, dependability and understanding in order to promote mutual growth. Therefore, our priorities lie in asking good questions to understand the needs of our customers, shipping quality product, maintaining short lead times, and providing superior customer service and forward thinking design solutions.Valley Design was established in 1986 and currently serves the OEM market in US and Canada. In 2010 we partnered with Kesseboehmer to bring German-designed, American-built adjustable height products to the market. This partnership allows us the very best technology advancements in the field, while maintaining our ability to provide quick lead times and customized choices.

Manufacture of adjustable height bases folding and flipping mechanisms and a wide variety of legs and accessories for furniture OEMs Furniture/Fixtures Furniture
Details about Valley Design
Frequently Asked Questions about Roseann Bremseth
Roseann Bremseth currently works for Valley Design.
Roseann Bremseth's role at Valley Design is owner.
Roseann Bremseth's email address is *** To view Roseann Bremseth's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Roseann Bremseth works in the Furniture industry.
Roseann Bremseth's colleagues at Valley Design are Alex Aiken, Jackie Welscher, Cade Espy, Scott Gilbert, Butch Isensee, Drew Hurley, Jackie Payne and others.
Roseann Bremseth's phone number is 507-268-4221
See more information about Roseann Bremseth