Algorithm Consulting began its operations in November 1999 with a staff of a single person, who luckily won the company's first software contract to develop a "computerized system" for a leading woven apparel exporter of the country. Starting with zero capital, 11 years later, Algorithm Consulting has a staff of 100 full time employees, 3 successfully completed and 3 ongoing ERP implementations. Since January 2005, Algorithm is a private limited organization.The company is based in Karachi, Pakistan. AlgoERP Release P-3, the company's flagship product, is a large-scale industry specific ERP solution for apparel and home textile manufacturers. The product contains 48 modules, out of which 19 are specific to apparel manufacturing sector's needs, not met by other Western packaged ERPs. The remaining modules in P-3 are mostly comparable with other large scale ERPs, available in the market. The presence of these apparel specific modules, together with generic ERP best practices, makes AlgoERP Release P-3 a premier choice for apparel manufacturers and exporters. A smaller, low-priced version of P-3, comprising of 16 modules is called AlgoERP Release P-2. Nowadays, Algorithm Consulting is also on our new ERP product called P-4 which is meant for Leather Products.