Education Manager - BehaviourWorks Australia at BehaviourWorks Australia - Monash University, VIC, AU
If you're interested in changing behaviour in any way, BehaviourWorks gives you access to some of the best brains in the business – people who study and practice behaviour change in the real world, day in day out. BehaviourWorks "works".Our aim from inception in 2011 was to be a very different kind of research organisation; not just a place with a specific focus on behaviour change research, but one that actually breaks down the barriers that have traditionally prevented research from becoming practice. Our idea was to appeal to a far greater audience than a narrow group of academics.Fortunately, our founding partners saw significant value in this idea as well and, along with the Monash Sustainability Institute, agreed to support the initiative. We started with two government departments and a private behaviour change company; the Environment Protection Authority Victoria, Sustainability Victoria, and The Shannon Company. In 2012, they were joined by the Office of Environment and Heritage in NSW, WorkSafe Victoria in 2014, and VicRoads in 2015.Of course, to achieve our goal of bridging the gap between research and practice it was vital we developed strong collaborative relationships between our researchers and practitioners.These partnerships remain at the centre of what we do. Through learning and sharing, we now have a better understanding of human behaviour and ways to influence it. By bringing together interdisciplinary researchers with leading practitioners in government and business, our vision is to be recognised as a world-leading, applied research centre in behaviour change that impacts practice and policy for a healthy and sustainable society.