The SC Youth ChalleNGe Academy Foundation if a 501(c)3 not profit organization to support the SC National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Academy Program. The National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program, a preventive rather than remedial at-risk youth program, targets participants who are unemployed, drug-free and law-free high-school dropouts, 16 to 18 years of age. Select 19 year olds who will graduate before turning 20 are eligible. Core components of the program are: -citizenship -academic excellence (GED/high school diploma attainment) -life-coping skills -service to community -health and hygiene -job skills training -leadership/followership and -physical training. The 22-week Residential Phase, which includes the Pre-ChalleNGe Phase, is followed by a year-long mentoring relationship with a specially trained member from each youth's community.