The Climate Ark envisions a world where meaningful climate action enables all communities to thrive.Passionate about helping the planet stay below the 1.5-degree target, our work spans aims to make climate action tangible and within every single individual's reach. Currently, we have three robust programs running.The Evolving Attitudes Programme is an initiative that enables people and collectives to integrate the climate crisis in their decision making. Today, we see a lot of politicians, business leaders and civil society members who understand and acknowledge the climate crisis, but this knowledge does not always translate to action. The Evolving Attitudes programme intends to change this collective attitude. As a unit, we look to partner with multiple organizations across the business and political space to provide customised solutions to cultivate a systems thinking climate lens.The Climate Justice Programme is specifically concerned by the disproportionate impact that climate change has on already-vulnerable communities. In a broken system, climate change is a catalyst that intensifies the cycles of suffering. We believe our future lies in the evolution of just and regenerative systems that help communities and ecosystems thrive. We look to partner with platforms, organisations and communities to go beyond mitigation and adaptation, and help build resilience in the context of the climate crisis.Our everyday decisions create ripples and impacts that a lot of us are unaware of. Through our Creating Awareness Programme, we want to leverage existing knowledge and make it accessible. We believe making the switch to planet-friendly choices should be as accessible as ordering food online, making sustainability the default of modern lifestyle and not an afterthought. Using technology, we aim to empower a generation to reduce their impact on the planet.