WeGive Ventures is a social enterprise that aims to maximise the tax benefits of charitable giving. No matter how large or small your donation or your charity, our goal is to use emerging technology to level the playing field and ensure all eligible tax is reclaimed.In the UK, Gift Aid is seen as a success because most eligible organisations claim the basic rate tax to supplement gifts. What is not widely understood is that higher rate taxpayers can also reclaim a further 20% to 25% from HMRC on their donations. What's more, many transactions that are not really seen as charitable in nature also accrue tax relief (such as tickets to museums, art galleries, subs to sports clubs). Three quarters of higher rate taxpayers, over 3 million people, do not claim any tax on donations and do not therefore receive it or, indeed, proceed to give to charity. Our goal is to fix this process so YOU CHOOSE what happens to your tax relief.wegiveventures.com