1. All languages are equal.We acknowledge any language as absolutely equal to any other, carrying the weight of its world since it came into being. Hence, all languages are acceptable for publication: real, imaginary, artificial, dying, living, or extinct. We always make an effort to understand and think about whatever we receive. 2. Every edition is endless.As traditional book stores are selling less and less, and large in-house stocks only raise the cost of production, we publish based on ‘printing on demand'. The moment a book is ordered, it is printed. All books are printed in an endless edition. 3. Copyright is no right.The industry protecting copyright is not in the favor of the author, and we don't like keeping the rights on his or her book. Therefore, all publications -- on paper and digital -- are released under a ‘creative commons' license. All profit made on a publication is equally shared between the author and us.4. Only experiment can present the present.We only care about the new, whether past, present, or future. We enjoy publishing anything that's between categories, obscure, or witnessing the edges of language. For us, all audience is potential. We do not like the word ‘avant-garde'; we are not in the military.5. All publications are the same.As we enjoy recognizability, all publications are uniform.