VERT - Serious Training for People Serious About Fitness - Train SmarterVERT stands for velocity enhanced resistance training, which is a revolutionary neuro-muscular training and rehabilitative system that has allwed elite athletes like Shaquille O'Neal to workout at the same speeds they perform. and emulates the way your body functions including everyday activities such as chasing kids or carrying groceries"•"With VERT you can get a lot of cardio, strength and speed in your workout in a short amount of time."•"Some of our clients have said that when they are done with a VERT workout, they feel like Superman."•"Three elements combined make VERT unique among anything else in the fitness industry: they are efficiency, functionality and safety."•"VERT is incredibly efficient because of the bi-directional nature of the computer-controlled exercises…. elite athletes to weekend warriors can get a super intense full-body workout in about half the time it would typically take."•"VERT is highly functional because each workout can be designed so that the muscles mimic real world athletic activities, such as throwing, jumping, swinging, swimming or hitting."•"VERT is the safest type of weight resistance workout because there is no inertia associated with movement, no load placed on the joints, and therefore no risk of muscle wear and tear." •"VERT allows any athlete or fitness buff to perform at their maximum potential - without sore or strained muscles."•"Simply put, VERT takes weight training from the iron age to the computer age."