The Boston chapter began in 1958 with the efforts of a few dedicated security professionals who recognized a need for an organization that brought individuals together to share information and to promote the security profession. These individuals established the framework for an incredible chapter to grow and prosper to what it is today - a vibrant successful organization committed to providing education, networking and leadership opportunities for its almost 900 members!Here are some highlights of our annual Chapter activities: * The Boston Chapter hosts meetings every month, with the exception of July, August and December. Each meeting offers an opportunity to network with other professionals, to hear speakers on various professional development topics and to enjoy a meal together. * The Spring Manning Golf Tournament is a much anticipated, fun event that is always well attended. Duffers and pros alike are welcome as teams engage in friendly competition for bragging rights! * Our annual Security Expo in April is renowned for its broad range of exhibits and training programs. It is an event not to be missed! * The Chapter hosts an annual awards dinner where last year we distributed $15,000 in scholarships and charitable donations.