Vice President Business Development & Distribution at Falls Lake Insurance Companies - Raleigh, NC, US
Falls Lake National\Falls Lake Fire & Casualty \Falls Lake General \Stonewood Insurance\Falls Lake Insurance Management\\\We underwrite specialty lines insurance on an admitted basis through Falls Lake National Insurance Company, Stonewood Insurance Company, and Falls Lake General Insurance Company. As the admitted insurance platform of James River Group and as subsidiaries of James River Group Holdings, Ltd., we operate against a capital base of almost $500 million. As with our affiliates, James River Insurance Company (excess and surplus lines) and JRG Re (Bermuda based reinsurer), we focus on undewriting specialty insurance products through limited distribution partners focused in our desired industry segments. We prefer to write specialty insurance policies on a primary basis, and combine an experienced, common sense approach to the business with rigorous underwriting and claims management and an entrepreneurial culture. We believe that this combination results in success for both you and Falls Lake.