AAYNA offers the finest cosmetic dermatology, weight managment programs, laser hair removal, anti-ageing treatments, skin maintenance and skin rejuvenation treatments in the world. It combines global knowledge, clever science, amazing technology and a world-class team of dermatologists, aesthetic doctors and skin therapists with a wealth of experience. Like we have always done, our aim is to be the first to bring the latest skincare technology and innovations to India.Under the same roof, another extension of looking good but more importantly, being healthy, we bring to you weight loss and lifestyle modifications through a combination of smart dietary regimes which will stay with you forever, and US FDA approved technology and body contouring treatments to take care of those annoying bulges, inches and fat.We have a fabulous foot clinic by Margaret Dabbs of London where we treat you and pamper you at the same time. We do medical pedicures that have never been seen on Indian shores before. Corns, bunions, warts, cracked feet are treated in a luxurious, painless manner so you can walk better and in greater comfort! So important because we neglect our feet which bear our weight for a lifetime! Come once and be hooked forever to our magical foot healing treatments!Our aesthetic clinic offers the finest dermalogica facials, hair spas and luxurious Indian flower infused pedicures and manicures.For those wanting to explore another dimension in otherwise busy and stressful lives – their spirituality, we offer workshops and individual sessions by the masters in reiki, past-life regression therapy, chakra balancing, hypnotherapy, tarot cards, pranic healing and meditation.We will never lose sight of the deeply personal nature of what we do for you and delight in helping you achieve your goal, whatever it might be