Nano Hydrophobics (Nano) has developed a nano-scale thin coating that retards heat exchanger (HX) fouling while preserving heat transfer efficiency, thus solving “the major unresolved problem of heat transfer.” The coating provides surfaces with a 'self-cleaning' property.HX fouling costs U.S. industry over $40 B per year in added energy and maintenance costs. Overall, it wastes ~ 1% of total U.S. energy consumption. Widespread adoption has the potential to eliminate 1.3% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, the equivalent of emissions from 19 MM cars.Proof-of-concept has been shown at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab based on a 106 day test in an industrial HX. Nano’s industry partner, Alfa Laval, the largest HX OEM, has inspected the test results and concurs with this assessment.Nano has a CRADA with the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory giving Nano exclusive right to AFRL's underlying IP. AFRL/Nano have jointly filed a patent on its ‘self-cleaning’ coating.