The Keller Fay Group, an Engagement Labs (TSXV:EL) company, is the world's first TotalSocial company, offering intelligent data, analytics and insights for marketers. We are leaders in tracking, measuring and benchmarking the social impact of conversations happening around a brand and industry - both online and offline. Consumer conversations are a proven driver of critical business outcomes, including sales. Engagement Labs' TotalSocial measurement solutions provides brands with unique data fuelled insights and powerful analytics to understand online and offline social impact and drive business results. Engagement Labs has a suite of proprietary tools including, TotalSocialTM an industry first conversation mapping system for companies to understand online and offline social data in a single integrated score. eValueTM Analytics is the global benchmarking tool for social media scoring offering real-time analysis to measure a brand's social media performance. Keller Fay Groups, TalkTrack® is the only data system to measures the totality of word of mouth. Engagement Labs maintains offices in Canada - Toronto, ON and Montreal, QC, U.S. - New Brunswick, NJ,and UK - London.