Valter Ribeirao

mecanico at Metalurgia S.A. - , ,

Valter Ribeirao's Contact Details
Avenida Ribeirão Preto,Cuiabá,Mato Grosso,Brazil
Metalurgia S.A.
Valter Ribeirao's Company Details

Metalurgia S.A.

, , • 201 - 500 Employees
Mining & Metals

Metalurgia S.A. is leading producer in metallurgic industry in Poland and one of the leading company in Europe in this branch. Company is a wire and wire product manufacturer since 1879 with specialty in production of goods made from low-carbon steel wire rod. Metalurgia exists on the market already more than 130 years and its name is well-known not only in Poland. Sales network covers over 30 different countries - few thousands satisfied customers each year. For more information please go on Recently - in October 2009 - company METALURGIA S.A. became New Member of TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY - MORAVIA STEEL Group. Třinecké železárny is the producer of long rolled steel products established in 1839 and shares more than one third of CR stell market. Moravia Steel is the one of the biggest Czech trading companies and the major shareholder of TŽ.

Details about Metalurgia S.A.
Frequently Asked Questions about Valter Ribeirao
Valter Ribeirao currently works for Metalurgia S.A..
Valter Ribeirao's role at Metalurgia S.A. is mecanico.
Valter Ribeirao's email address is *** To view Valter Ribeirao's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Valter Ribeirao works in the Mining & Metals industry.
Valter Ribeirao's colleagues at Metalurgia S.A. are Yaqub Ibrahimov, Monica Osorio, Luis Reyes, MARY GALLARDO, Franki Rodriguez, Klb 2009, Alejandro Huereca and others.
Valter Ribeirao's phone number is
See more information about Valter Ribeirao