After 10 years in finance Chris Apostolou started Arbitrage Search in 2011.Our reputation was built on expertise in macro, we are now growing into broader FI, FX, EM, Equities, Latam coverage and other areas which also use Economists, such as commodities.VACANCIES:/www.arbitrage-search.comContactable on: firstname{at]arbitrage-search.comLondon: +44 (0)203 823 4540Florida: +1 786 818 3250Bogota: +57 322 608 3851Prior Search examples: "Head of EMEA", "Principle Economist", "Global Economist", "Latam Strategist"often completing mandates where the previous attempts by 'big4' head-hunters have failed. We have also placed roles on a contingent basis such as:Head of Sales TradingEM StrategistHead of Markets SalesProperty EconomistFX QuantBond StrategistHead of Investor RelationsOur clients are Tier1 Banks, Hedge Funds, Asset Managers, FTSE Corps and Consultancies.London / Boca Raton /