Mr. Ajay Sharma is a pioneering consultant of global immigration and visa services managing a leading immigration services and visa specialist company since 1994 with several branches in all major cities in India. This Delhi University's Master in Business Economics alumnus have entrepreneurial exposures in several domains such as recruitment and placement, international and domestic trading, events management, business and management consulting and of course, consultancy related to immigration services at Abhinav as an immigration and visa consultancy firm. "Scarcity fumbles non-thinkers but is the catalyst for great thinkers to do great jobs" – is a wise say suiting this knowbot. The absence of a certified immigration and visa consultancy with amiable approach to fasten and smooth visa processes of applicants convinced him to give a serious thought to start an immigration and visa company. Abhinav is accredited by Immigration department of India and involved in assisting visa applicants since 1994. Today Abhinav is a home to legal experts, professionals and consultants experienced in immigration and visa processes.