Ventilation Officer/Laboratory Technician at Simcoa Operations Pty Ltd - Wellesley, Western Australia, AU
Simcoa Operations is an Australian based company committed to producing the world's highest quality silicon to meet customers' precise needs. Silicon plays a key role in the production of many industrial and lifestyle products that play an important role in our everyday lives. Some of the world’s highest quality silicon is produced in the south west of Western Australia, at Simcoa’s Kemerton-based silicon smelter, north of Bunbury. Simcoa produces enough silicon to meet Australia’s total demand whilst still being able to export most of its production to the rest of the world. The Kemerton site consists of two charcoal retorts, three submerged arc electrical furnaces, a filter plant for cleaning the furnace off-gases, and packaging and distribution facilities. Simcoa uses the highest quality raw materials available; low ash charcoal and high quality quartzite. These raw materials, combined with highly skilled operators and technical expertise results in a product unique in terms of consistency and quality.